There have been several times when I have wondered why I ever decided to become a Chaplain. Then there are others like tonight, when I remember why. I have removed some names and places from this blog out of respect for families.
SFC Ford told me tonight, “Chaplain did you hear we had several casualties and even a KIA?” I had not. “No! Who was it?” “CPT Terhart just came in and said she was at the hospital accompanying the detainee who is being treated when the call came in for a Mass Cal. At first it was like 17, then 10, then 3. Two wounded and 1 KIA. She said she recognized them from Eagle Troop, the CAV guys.” “Does the BN Commander know yet?” “I’m not sure, she just came in and told me right before you got here.” Together we made a direct route to the BN Commanders office. As we opened the door SGM Breckinridge was completing a brief to LTC Nelson about the very event. We added the details shared by CPT Terhart and I left with the SGM to get to the CSH to be with the Soldiers.
When we arrived one Soldier was being wheeled past me into the CT scanner. I placed my hand on his shoulder and said “My name is Chaplain Dicks, I just want you to know I’m praying for you.” He reached up and took my hand “Thank you Chaplain.” And then they took him through the doors into the scanner. The second patient was an Iraqi Interpreter. He had about 6 people around the bed getting his vitals, starting IVs and checking his pain level. I put on a pair of gloves and took my position by his head where he could see and hear me without me getting in the way of the staff. I felt like I was back in 2007 with the 28th Combat Support Hospital when I did this every day. “Hello, my name is Chaplain Dicks, I want you to know I will be praying for you.” “Thank you Chaplain.” “What is your name?” “J.” “Are you married J?” “Divorced. I have a daughter.” “What is her name?” “M.” The staff needed to take an X-Ray of his swollen right arm, so I helped to lift it so they could slide the plates under it. “I saw the LT get blown in half. They took him away in pieces.” J began shaking with his tears. I whispered, “We are happy you are still here J.” And I placed my hand on his head and silently prayed for Gods peace. He stopped crying. “Do you know if anyone else survived?” I answered “four of you were brought here and the doctors just said all four of you are stable which is good. Is there anything you would like me to tell them?” “That I am ok, and see if they are alright.” The doctor asked if I could stabilize his head while they checked the rest of his body which I did, and then I allowed myself to be crowded out of the way as the second Soldier was being wheeled back in beside J. I walked around the bed to get to his right ear where I could talk to him.
“Hello again brother.” I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder. “What?” He yelled. “I’m sorry Sir, they blew my ears to Sh**” Louder I said “I am Chaplain Dicks, how are you doing?” “Oh, Hello Chaplain. I’m doing good I suppose. I’m still alive. Do you know how the LT is? Is he here?” “What we’re concerned about right now is how you are.” “I’m doing ok. I’ve had better days. Been in the Army 7 years and finally got deployed. We were almost home then this happened. Is the 1SG alright?” A doctor answered “Your 1SG is in the CT scanner right now, but he’s doing good and was wondering how you are.” “Tell him I’m ok.” I asked “Where are you from?” “------, Texas Sir.” “I know it well. Any wife or kiddos?” “No Sir, I’m single.” “Well that’s why the nurses were winking at you.” He laughed. As he did I saw a large hole in his right side, I whispered to the Doctor next to me “has that been seen?” He said “Yes.” As they asked him to turn his head from side to side I noticed a large hole in the back of his scalp. I mentioned it to the Doctor and he said to the Soldier “Could you lift your head again please.” When he did the Doctor said, “Well, thank you Chaplain, nurse could you get the stapler we need to close this up.” And they stapled his head closed. The patient, J said “really? Staples?” I told him “We would of used thread, but with the draw down all we have left is office supplies, it was staples or tacks, which would you have preferred?” He laughed again and said staples were good. I told him J was right beside him. His face lit up and he turned to see J and he said “You made it!” And they talked together for a while. I told them I would speak to them after a while, and excused myself. SGM Breckinridge was outside and we discussed the findings that they were not Soldiers from our Eagle Troop, but a CAV Unit from Camp --- that was scheduled to be shut down tomorrow. They had been in a tent preparing for the Camp Closure Ceremony when they had been attacked.
We drove back to Camp Cropper to inform the Command that the patients were stable and were not from our CAV Unit. They had heard before we had. I walked back over to the S-2 office to let SFC Ford know that I was back. We talked for a while and then together went to call it a night and head to the barracks. As we were walking SGM Breckinridge rounded the corner and said “There you are Chaplain. We need to go back. The hospital just called and they are requesting you.” I told SFC Ford goodnight and we headed back onto Sather to get to the CSH and speak with whoever was requesting me.
When we arrived a nurse directed me back to a darkened room where the Interpreter J was lying in a hospital bed. “He’s been asking for you. You can pull up a chair and sit by him.” I did just that. “How are you doing brother?” I asked. “I’m sorry I had to call you back.” I told him I was not sorry that I felt honored he had called for me. “What is on your mind?” “All night I have been seeing it. The LT blown in half. His name was --------------. That is his full name. He was going to go back to the United States in just a few days and was so happy. I was happy too because he asked me to visit him because I am going to the States too. He was a good man. So young.” Tears were streaming down his face. “I heard him screaming, but I couldn’t believe it because he was in two halves. I swear to God I tried to get to him but I was under Styrofoam and concrete. I had been by four t-walls. When I woke up the t-walls were completely gone. I could not get his picture out of my mind. Tonight when you put your hand on my head, I felt peace for the first time and I didn’t see him anymore. I had to tell you that. I must tell you the truth, I have never believed in God. If God exists, and He is real, why would he let these bad things happen? Why He would let LT die like that? He was a good man. But tonight I felt peace when you prayed for me. Is God real? Can you tell me why He would let these bad things happen?”
I took a moment to consider his question and answered “I believe God is real. And even though you have not believed in Him, He has always believed in you and loved you. God did not create evil, and it breaks His heart. It is His great compassion and mercy that holds back judgment for a time so that we may have the chance to receive His great forgiveness. He died to pay for the penalty of our sins J. He arose, conquering death to offer us life that we couldn’t earn on our own.”
“This is so comforting. It says on my birth certificate that I am Muslim.” He laughed while shaking his head. “I am not Muslim. I have never believed in Allah, or the God of Christianity. I have a Masters degree and have been a professor at a University for many years. I will receive my PHD in September.” “Congratulations” I said, “What was your thesis?” “It was ‘why was 19th century Iraq not influenced by Europe at all?’” I asked, “what was your conclusion?” He said “It is the three laws. In Iraq you have the Government law, the Tribal law, and the religious law. If I walk down the street and want to spit. By government law it is ok. By religious law it is ok if no religious leader is near. By tribal law it is only ok if there is no Shake. We have so many laws that are so different but may see them as though only one law. But it is so difficult there is no way we can keep it.” I said “in the same way there is no way we as human beings can keep Gods law. We are not good enough. We are sinners.” He shook his head and said “Then there is no hope for me.” And I said “There is good news J.” “What is the good news, you have said what I know, I cannot keep the law.” I said “The Good news is that God has provided a way that we can be judged not by law, but by His grace.” He asked “How is this possible?” He had a bottle of water sitting on the tray in front of him. I told him “Let us say this bottle of water cost 5 dollars. You don’t have 5 dollars. I pay the 5 dollars for you and offer the water to you as a free gift. You could not afford it you didn’t have 5 dollars, but all you have to do for it to be yours is accept my free gift that I paid for on your behalf. In the same way, we cannot keep all three laws, or 3 hundred laws, or even one law. We are not good enough. God sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins for us. A free gift that we could not afford. All we have to do is accept that He paid for it on our behalf.” He placed his unbroken hand on his heart. “This God has done, for me? It says this somewhere? Do not lie to me please.”
I took the Bible from my ACU Chest pocket and opened it to John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” He whispered, “that is so wonderful. Can you teach me to pray to God?” I told him, I can teach you what Jesus taught His disciples when they asked Him that same question. “Our Father…” He repeated after me every line of the Lord’s prayer while tears fell from his eyes. When we finished he said “I want to be a Christian. What do I have to do? Do I need to wash myself before I pray? Do I need to pray every day? Go to church? I want to do whatever the Bible says to do for God to love me.” I said “J, you have a daughter don’t you?” He said “Yes.” I asked “What does she have to do for you to love her?” He said “Nothing, I will love her no matter wh….”He paused and then looked at me “Will God love me like this? No matter what? Like a child of His?” I opened the Bible to John 1 “He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him. But to all who received Him He gave the right to become children of God. Children born not of natural descent or of a husbands will, but born of God.” “I want to receive Him.” He said. I said “Then ask Him to be your Father.” “Please, be my Father. Oh God, I have not believed in You, but tonight You have shown me Your peace. You have my life, I am Yours.” After his prayer he asked if he could borrow a Bible. I took out my pen and wrote in the front cover of my Bible “To my brother J, may you always receive peace from the God who has always believed in you. “ And then I signed my name and the date and gave him the Bible as a gift. Just then the 1SG was wheeled in “J! You’re alive! Thank God!”
Thank You God… Thank You.
Thank you so much for sharing this!!! We thank you God for our chaplains and ministers!