Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 1 - Kansas, Missouri, Illinois.
     Saw the Saint Louis Arch! Parked at a rest stop between several big rigs. Can't get the heater to work! Brrr!

Day 2 - Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee.
     Woke up with dead battery on the trailer couldn't get the extension to close because of it. Drove with it out illegally for a few miles to a little all American town called New Baden. Old man Gary charged the battery and recommended we go to breakfast across the street at Good Old Days restaurant while it charged. The sign out front said "Food so good you'll think we stole your Grandmother!" the food was wonderful, feel free to keep grandma if that's the result. Went back to old Gary he refused to let me pay when he found out I was in the military.  Drove  to Metropolis, Missouri.  Took pictures by a twenty foot Superman. Went by the local newspaper building - the Daily Planet - and picked up a couple of copies, was told Clark Kent and Lois Lane were out on assignment covering a story, but the nice lady still gave us Clark and Lois' business cards, as well as Jimmy Olsen's and Perry Whites.  Went to a Superman store and Ashley bought a kryptonite ring. Tina took one off the shelf, held it to my face and said "you're getting weaker go to sleep Daddy." And then she gave a villain laugh.  I don't know if I should be happy my daughter thinks I'm Superman, or worried she wanted to knock Superman out in order to unleash her nefarious plans against the undefended city in my weakened state.  Found out that Metropolis is next to Massac, Missouri where Clark (The older brother of the famous Explorer Clark, Lewis' buddy) earned a statue of himself for crossing over the Ohio into Massac and taking Illinois for General George Washington during the American Revolution.  It is also where the Bird Man of Alcatraz is buried. We then crossed the Tennessee river (singing Alabama's Tennessee river and a mountain man, we get together anytime we can.) parked for a few days stay at the Nashville Country Park.

1 comment:

  1. Stephen, be on the lookout for Lexie Luther (Lex's sister) reported to be a shape-shifter and hanging around trailers and mobil homes in the vicinity of Metropolis.
