Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 6

Day 6 - Texas
Made it to Gamma and Auntie Mels house.  Sat in front of a beautiful Christmas tree and passed out presents.  We were just going to do our one nightly present like we have been doing, then open the rest on Christmas morning.  Tonight however, everyone went around the room saying what they were thankful for for Gamma and after we had finished a teary-eyed Gamma passed out all the gifts to the kiddos.  Snuggled into pajamas the little ones (such as they are being almost as tall as me) camped out in Gammas house while Jen and I went for a date night in DAV (Dicks Adventure Vehicle).  And what was our romantic film of choice?  "The Other Guys" with Will Ferrell and Mark Walberg, super funny! Merry Christmas Eve.

Day 7 - Christmas!
Delicious pork tenderloins, mashed potatoes, mesquite flavored beans, yummy.  The kiddos were sitting at one table, and the grown ups at another when Auntie Mel made the observation that the kiddos had wine glasses (filled with sparkling grape juice) and the adults all had sippie cups (travel Tumblers filled with iced tea). Christmas music, the A-Team, and playing with presents, what a fun day! Took a trip to Rockwall, Texas to see Pastor Barnes and Shirley Barnes.  He is 76 years old and long since retired but he will always be pastor Barnes to me.  He has always been like a surrogate father to me growing up in Arizona.  He was there through my heartaches, heartbreaks, joys, hearthrobs, and eventually married Jennifer and I some 15 years ago.  Even when I was in Iraq and had some of my darkest days I would call him and ask "Pastor, is Jesus still on His throne?" and he would say "You know what son, He still is." and as long as he said it was so I believed it and the world was still right side up.  It was a great visit.  Back at Mom and Auntie Mels, will head out to Glenrose tomorrow!  Merry Christmas!

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